What is your role on the Board?
I hope to use my years of private business ownership, parenting, grandparenting and volunteerism to guide the Max Foundation. It is critical that we stay true to our mission and operate with unquestionable integrity and do all that we can to ensure that we are financially capable of making a difference now and for years to come.
Why is the success of this foundation important to you?
It is critically important to accept the fact that mental wellness is a critical issue especially in our teens and young adults. It is equally important to acknowledge that mental illness has a social stigma and that should not be. The next generation is our future and I am hopeful that we can give them the tools they need to live an enjoyable, positive and productive life.
What do you hope the Max Foundation can accomplish?
To do nothing about mental wellness is not an option. We will work hard to invest the money that we are entrusted with into events, projects and activities that will make a difference for today’s youth. I hope that we can bring knowledge and understanding to the importance of mental health issues and provide the youth and young adults with the tools that they need to live life to its fullest.
What is your favorite memory/experience with Max?
Max was only 19 years old but he touched people in a powerful way…..his quick smile, his firm handshake, his eye contact, unending questions and his enthusiasm…..hard to find anybody who did not like Max!!
What are the highlights of your life personally?
I have been blessed beyond reason:
Being raised in a loving, nurturing and caring family.
38 years of marriage to Mary, my wife.
4 wonderful children, who are now all adults.
8 incredible grandchildren.
Please give a brief summary of your professional/work experiences.
Work started at a young age with mowing lawns, being a minnow boy, guiding on Lake of the Woods for summer fishing. After a stint at college I came home and worked in the family business for 18 years. In 1997, Mary and I made a decision to pursue a different career and since that time have been self employed owning and operating several different businesses.